This course is offered in German.
Types of electromagnetic power converters, overview of different types and power ratings of electrical machines and their industrial relevance.
- Steady-state performance of DC machines: design, induction via rotation, flux distribution in the air gap derived from winding diagram, distribution of ampere-turns and m.m.f curve; voltage equation; torque equation; types of windings, methods of connection, torque-speed characteristics, speed control, commutation, segment-to-segment voltage.
- Generalized theory of polyphase machines: development and superimposition of alternating fields of the single phases, determination of the corresponding reactances, law concerning air-gap power splitting, torque equation.
- Analytical theory of synchronous machines with cylindrical rotor: design, equivalent circuit diagram, voltage equation, no-load and short-circuit characteristic, synchronization process, over- or underexcited phase shift operation, influence of armature reaction, phasor diagram, current diagram, torque equation, limits of stable operation, special considerations for motor operation.
- Analytical theory of induction machines: design, equivalent circuit diagram, voltage equations, current locus diagram, torque-speed characteristic, slip-ring and cage rotors, deep-bar cage motors, prospects of pole-changing motors, starting methods, temperature rise in the windings during start-up and single-phase motors.
- Introduction to speed control of induction and synchronous machines via frequency converters.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Ponick
Dean of Studies
Welfengarten 1
30167 Hannover
30167 Hannover

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Ponick
Dean of Studies