Power Electronics

Lecture + Exercise + Laboratory

This course is offered in English.

Learning outcomes:

This lecture gives a basic overview of electrical machine types with special emphasis on small motors and servo drives with an output power smaller than 1 kW. This includes knowledge on construction, in-service behaviour and control as well as application range and economic importance of these motors. The lecture is designed for developers of drive systems and for users of small electrical machines in order to support them in the choice of a motor in a specific case of operation.

Course contents:

Power Electronics for high efficient energy conversion, Applications, Components, Line-commutated converter, dc/dc-Converter, dc/ac-Converter  

Specific prerequisites:

Two terms of the international master program Energy Technology  


Students, who finished their Bachelor Degree at LUH shall alternatively take part in the course “Leistungshalbleiter und Ansteuerungen” (Prof. Mertens)  


