
  • Behrendt, C.; Dittmann, J.; Ponick, B. (2024): Optimization of Hairpin Winding Schemes with Respect to the Common-Mode Current, Speedam, Ischia, 19. - 21. Juni 2024
  • Blanken, N.; Keuter, R. J.; Ponick, B. (2024): Stator Slot Design Guidelines for Concentrated Windings with Direct Liquid Cooling Channels for Electrified Aviation, ICEM, Turin, 01-04.September 2024
  • Blanken, N.; Laajouzi, L. Y.; Ponick, B. (2024): Probabilistic Analysis of Partial Discharges in the Stator Winding Insulation for Electrified Aviation, ICEMS, Fukuoka, 26.-29. November 2024
  • De Barros, A.; Ebrahimi, A.; Schwarz, B.; Ponick, B. (2024): Graphical Root Cause Analysis of Magnetically Induced Vibrations in Synchronous Machines, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Early Access Article
  • De Barros, A.; Ebrahimi, A.; Schwarz, B.; Ponick, B. (2024): New Method Based on Shell Elements for Fast Calculation of the Stator Eigenfrequencies and Vibrations in Hydro Generators, IEEE Access, Vol. 12, pp. 105418-105428
  • De Barros, A.; Ebrahimi, A.; Schwarz, B.; Ponick, B. (2024): Determination of the Equivalent Mechanical Properties of the Stator Core for Vibration Analysis in Hydro Generators, ICEMS, Fukuoka, 26.-29. November 2024
  • De Barros, A.; Ebrahimi, A.; Schwarz, B.; Ponick, Bernd (2024): Graphical Root Cause Analysis of Magnetically Induced Vibrations in Synchronous Machines, INTERMAG, Rio de Janeiro, 05.-10.Mai 2024
  • De Barros, A.; Gerlach, M.E.; Huang, X.; Langfermann, M.; Ponick, B.; Ebrahimi, A. (2024): Mechanical Calculation of Stator Core Vibration of Rotating Electric Machines Using an Analytical Beam Element Model, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 60, no.1, pp. 47-56
  • De Barros, A.; Weber, W.; Ebrahimi, A.; Schwarz, B.; Ponick, B. (2024): Influence of the Stator Winding on the Mechanical Eigenfrequencies of Hydro Generators, ICEM, Turin, 01-04.September 2024
  • Eschenmann, L. P.; Aufderheide S.; Ponick, B. (2024): Method for Efficient Generation of Preferable Hairpin Winding Diagrams, IECON, Singapore 16.-19. Oktober 2023
  • Eschenmann, L. P.; Nörenberg, C.; Ponick, B. (2024): Design of Electrically Excited Synchronous Motors for Traction Applications Using Optimisation with Genetic Algorithms, ICEMS, Fukuoka, 26.-29. November 2024
  • Kienast, J.; Bernet, S.; Sturm, G.; Hoffmann, A.; Zhu, X.; Ponick, B. (2024): Contributing significant Short Circuit Current with Modular Multilevel Matrix Converters in Flywheel Energy Storage Systems, Speedam, Ischia, 19. - 21. Juni 2024
  • Lengsfeld, S.; Kummeth, J.; Grundmann, J.; Oomen, M.P.; Jung, M.; Ponick, B. (2024): Design Strategies for an AC Loss Minimized Winding for a Fully Superconducting Wind Generator, IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity
  • Raziee, S.M.; Steinbrink, J.; Ponick, B. (2024): Design of Single-Layer Fractional-Slot Distributed Windings, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion Vol. 39, no. 1, March 2024, pp.504-515
  • Raziee, S.M.; Steinbrink, J.; Ponick, B. (2024): Winding Factor Equation for Main Pattern of Single-Layer Fractional-Slot Distributed Windings, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion Vol. 39, no. 2, March 2024, pp.988-998
  • Ridder, A.; De Barros, A.; Lundin, U.; Hernnäs, B.; Schwarz, B.; Ponick, B. (2024): Validation of the Analytical Prediction of the Damper Winding Pole-to-Pole Impedance in Hydro Generators, ICEMS, Fukuoka, 26.-29. November 2024
  • Schepe, C.; Ponick, B. (2024): Rotor Design Measures to Lower an Induction Machine’s Saturation-Dependent Anisotropy as a Prerequisite for Self-Sensing Control, Speedam, Ischia, 19. - 21. Juni 2024
  • Schepe, C.; Ponick, B. (2024): Design of an Induction Machine with an Additional Asymmetrical Rotor Winding Providing a Rotor-Fixed Anisotropy for Self-Sensing Control, ICEMS, Fukuoka, 26.-29. November 2024
  • Schubert, M.; Ponick, B. (2024): Axial Design Guidelines for Torque Ripple Reduction in Additively Manufactured Synchronous Reluctance Rotors, ICEMS, Fukuoka, 26.-29. November 2024
  • Schubert, M; Ponick, B. (2024): Reduction of Eddy Current Losses in Additively Manufactured Synchronous Reluctance Rotors, Speedam, Ischia, 19. - 21. Juni 2024
  • Shheibar, M.; Dittmann, J.; Ponick, B. (2024): Transient Overvoltage Prediction of an Inverter-Fed Electric Machine, Speedam, Ischia, 19. - 21. Juni 2024
  • Willich, V.; Hullmann, M.; Nelles, R.; Hubert, T.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B. (2024): Impact of Interleaved Inverter Operation on the Machine Losses of Dual Three-Phase Synchronous Machines, Speedam, Ischia, 19. - 21. Juni 2024
  • Behrendt, C.; Dittmann, J.; Ponick, B. (2023): Sensitivity of the Common-Mode Characteristics of a Stator Winding Regarding the Assumed Hairpin Position in a Slot, IECON 2023 – 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
  • Blanken, N.; Boe,V.; Ponick,B. (2023): Rapid Electromagnetic Scaling Methodology for the Electric Propulsion of a Hybrid-Electric Aircraft, International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), San Francisco, 15.-18.Mai 2023
  • Blanken, N.; Ponick, B. (2023): Preferable PMSM Rotor Geometry for Reduced Axial Flux Components in the Stator Core, e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
  • Cao, Y.; Fauth, L.; Keuter, R.; Sanwongwanich, A.; Novak, M:, Blaabjerg, F.; Ponick, B.; Mertens, A.; (2023): Inverter Design for Future Electrified Aircraft Propulsion Systems under Consideration of Wear-Out Failure and Random Failure, The 25th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE 2023), Aalborg, Denmark, 2023 
  • Dittmann, J.; England, M.; Ponick, B. (2023): Design of Hairpin Windings Considering the Transient Potential Distribution, e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Ausgabe 2/2023
  • Dittmann, J.; Ponick, B. (2023): Comparison of the Measured and Simulated Potential Distributions in an Inverter-Fed Hairpin Stator Winding, IECON 2023 – 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
  • Ebersberger, J.; Keuter, R.J.; Ponick, B.; Mertens, A. (2023): Power Distribution and Propulsion System for an All-Electric Regional Aircraft, Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles (ESARS) and International Transportation Electrification Conference, Venedig, 28.-31. März 2023
  • Gerlach, M.E; De Barros, A.; Huang, X.; Langfermann, M.; Ponick, B.; Ebrahimi, A. (2023): The Analytical Beam Element Model: Novel Approach for Fast Calculation of Vibrations in Electric Machines, e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Ausgabe 3/2023
  • Heide, D.; Bagaber, B.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B. (2023): Abschlussbericht SkyPower100 - Pilotanlage zur Energieerzeugung aus Höhenwind, TIB
  • Heide, D.; Ponick, B. (2023): Acoustic Noise Analysis of an External Rotor Ferrite Permanent Magnet Airborne Wind Generator, International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), San Francisco, 15.-18.Mai 2023
  • Höltje, P.; Jünemann, L.; Knebusch, B.; Euler-Rolle, N.; Zeiler, A.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B. (2023): Prediction and Measurement of Bearing Currents in an Electric Traction Drive System, International Conference on Power Electronics (ICPE 2023-ECCE Asia), Jeju, Korea, 22-25.Mai 2023
  • Hullmann, M.; Krotsch, J.; Ponick, B. (2023): Eddy Current Losses in Permanent Magnets of Inverter-Driven Synchronous Machines, VDE Antriebssysteme 2023
  • Hullmann, M.; Ponick, B. (2023): Calculation of Eddy Current Loss in Permanent Magnets of a Linear Hybrid Stepper Motor for a Conveyor System, 2023 14th International Symposium on Linear Drivers for Industry Applications (LDIA)
  • Keuter, R. J; Kirsch, B.; Friedrichs, J.; Ponick, B. (2023): Design Decisions for a Powertrain Combination of Electric Motor and Propeller for an Electric Aircraft, IEEE Access
  • Keuter, R. J; Niebuhr, F.; Nozinski, M.; Krüger, E.; Kabelac, S.; Ponick, B. (2023): Design of a Direct-Liquid-Cooled Motor and Operation Strategy for the Cooling System, MDPI Energies 2023
  • Keuter, R.J.; Melo, S. P.; Jois, P. K.; Cerdas, F.; Hermann, C. ; Ponick, B. (2023): Investigation of Electric Motors For All-Electric Aircraft with Different Material Combinations from an Environmental Perspective, Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship Propulsion and Road Vehicles (ESARS) and International Transportation Electrification Conference, Venedig, 28.-31. März 2023
  • Krüger, E. C.; Kalla, M.; Ponick, B. (2023): Transient Model for Synchronous Machines with Respect to Saturation of Ferromagnetic Materials, IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference (IEMDC)
  • Maroldt, N.; Lohse, S.; Seume, J. R.; Kalla, M.; Ponick, B. (2023): Multidisciplinary Design of an Electrically Powered High-Lift System, Journal of Turbomachinery, Online
  • Schepe, C.; Ponick, B. (2023): Evaluation of an Induction Machine’s Differential High Frequency Inductance for Self-Sensing Control Considering Iron Saturation, The 11th International Symposium on Sensorless Control for Electrical Drives (SLED 2023), Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2023
  • Schuchard, L.; Bien, M.; Ziaja, K.; Blanken, N.; Göing, J.; Friedrichs, J.; di Mare, F.; Ponick, B.; Mailach, R. (2023): A Study on Quantities Driving Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul for Hybrid-Electric Aeroengines, ASME Turbo Expo 2023: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Boston, MA, 2023
  • Schuchard, L.; Bien, M.; Ziaja, K.; Blanken, N.; Göing, J.; Friedrichs, J.; di Mare, F.; Ponick, B.; Mailach, R. (2023): A Study on Quantities Driving Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul for Hybrid-Electric Aeroengines, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power
  • Zhang, D.; Jansen, J.; Ponick, B. (2023): Vibration Prediction on the Generator Rotor of a Wind Turbine, IECON 2023 – 49th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
  • Zhu, X.; Ponick, B. (2023): Hybrid Analytical-Numerical Calculation of Equivalent Circuit Parameters and Steady-State Performance of DFIG, 2023 26th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), Zhuhai, China, 2023, pp. 903-910
  • Bagaber, B.; Heide, D.; Ponick, B.; Mertens, A. (2022): Efficiency and Lifetime Analysis of Several Airborne Wind Energy Electrical Drive Concepts, EPE 2022, Hannover, Germany, 05.-09.09.2022
  • Behrendt, C.; Dittmann, J.; Knebusch, B.; Ponick, B. (2022): Common-Mode Impedance Prediction of a High-Frequency Hairpin Stator Winding Based on FEM and Modified Nodal Analysis, SPEEDAM 2022, Sorrento, Italy, 22.-24.06.2022
  • Behrendt, C.; Dittmann, J.; Knebusch, B.; Ponick, B. (2022): An Investigation Into the Trade-Off Between Full Machine and Single-Slot FEM Simulations for Electrical Machine Modeling at High Frequencies With Respect to Inter-Wire Couplings, ICEM 2022, Valencia, Spain, 05.-08.09.2022
  • Bien, M.; Göing, J.; Friedrichs, J.; Ziaja, K.; Mare, F.; Blanken, N.; Cao, Y.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B.; Schuchard, L.; Voigt, M.; Mailach, R.; (2022): Modelling Degradation Mechanisms in Hybrid-Electric Aircraft Propulsion Systems, ISABE 2022, Ottawa, Canada, 25-30.09.2022
  • Blanken, N; Bieber, M.; Ponick, B. (2022): Design of Axial End Region of Additively Manufactured Rotors of Synchronous Machines to Reduce the Axial Magnetic Stator Flux Density, ICEM 2022, Valencia, Spain, 05.-08.09.2022
  • De Barros, A.; Gerlach, M.E.; Huang, X.; Langfermann, M.; Ponick, B.; Ebrahimi, A. (2022): Calculation of Electric Machines Vibration Using an Analytical Beam Element Model, ICEM 2022, Valencia, Spain, 05.-08.09.2022
  • Dittmann, J.; Behrendt, C.; Ponick, B. (2022): Prediction of the Voltage Distribution in a Inverter-Fed Hairpin Stator Winding, ICEMS 2022, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 29.11.-02.12.2022
  • Ebersberger, J.; Fauth, L.; Keuter, R.; Cao, Y.; Freund, Y.; Hanke-Rauschenbach, R.; Ponick, B.; Mertens, A.; Friebe, J. (2022): Power Distribution and Propulsion System for an All-Electric Short-Range Commuter Aircraft-A Case Study, 2022, IEEE Access
  • England, M.; Helmer, R.; Ponick, B. (2022): Reduction of Torque Ripple and Vibration of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Sinusoidal Cavities, ICEMS 2022, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 29.11.-02.12.2022
  • Fricke, T.; Pickert, P.; Schwarz, B.; Ponick, B. (2022): Combining Schwarz-Christoffel Mappings and Biot-Savart Law to Calculate the High-Frequency Current Distribution Inside a Single Slot, EPE 2022, Hannover, Germany, 05.-09.09.2022
  • Fricke, T.; Schwarz, B.; Ponick, B. (2022): Combining Schwarz–Christoffel Mappings and Biot–Savart Law to Calculate the Clamping Plate Field in Large Salient Pole Synchronous Machines, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics
  • Gerlach, M.E.; Bender, T.; Ponick, B. (2022): Influence of Round Wire Winding and Insulation on the Vibration Behavior of Electric Machines, SPEEDAM 2022, Sorrento, Italy, 22.-24.06.2022
  • Gerlach, M.E.; Hoffmann, A.; Ponick, B. (2022): Design of High Speed Electric Machine for an Automotive Powertrain, E-MOTIVE Expert Forum 21.-22.09.2022, Wolfsburg
  • Gerlach, M.E.; Langfermann M.; Ponick, B. (2022): Influence of Conecentrated Winding and Insulation on the Vibration Behavior of Electric Machines, ICEMS 2022, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 29.11.-02.12.2022
  • Gerlach, M.E.; Weber S.; Ponick, B. (2022): Influence of Hairpin Winding and Insulation on the Vibration Behavior of Electric Machines, ICEM 2022, Valencia, Spain, 05.-08.09.2022
  • Helmer, R.; Ponick, B.; Steinbrink, J.; England, M. (2022): Rotor mit Kavitäten, Elektromaschine und Kraftfahrzeug, Patent Nr. DE102020214207A1
  • Hullmann, M.; Ponick, B. (2022): General Analytical Description of the Effects of Segmentation on Eddy Current Losses in Rectangular Magnets, ICEM 2022, Valencia, Spain, 05.-08.09.2022
  • Kalla, M.; Ponick, B. (2022): Validation of a Transient Model for Induction Machines Considering Saturation and Current Displacement using Transient FEM, ICEMS 2022, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 29.11.-02.12.2022
  • Knebusch, B.; Jünemann, L.; Höltje, P.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B. (2022): Measurement Principle for Measuring High Frequency Bearing Currents in Electric Machines and Drive Systems, EPE 2022, Hannover, Germany, 05.-09.09.2022
  • Lengsfeld, S.; Grundmann, J.; Oomen, M.; Vargas-L.; Ponick, B.; Jung, M. (2022): Comparing Armature Windings for a 10 MW Fully Superconducting Synchronous Wind Turbine Generator, 12th CPEEE2022 (virtuell), 25.-27.02.2022, Shiga, Japan
  • Movagharnejad, H.; Knebusch, B.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B. (2022): Design Interactions of AC- and DC-Side Filters for Traction Drives with SiC Inverters, EPE 2022, Hannover, Germany, 05.-09.09.2022
  • Schneider, V.; Behrendt, C.; Höltje, P.; Cornel, D.; Becker-Dombrowsky, F.; Puchtler, S.; Gutiérrez Guzmán, F.; Ponick, B.; Jacobs, G.; Kirchner, E. (2022): Electrical Bearing Damage, A Problem in the Nano and Macro-Range, Lubricants Aug. 2022, DOI: 10.3390/lubricants10080194
  • Schubert, M.; Wohlers, C.; Ponick, B. (2022): Efficient Determination of the Behavior of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines using Magnetic Equivalent Circuits, ICEM 2022, Valencia, Spain, 05.-08.09.2022
  • Suchan, A.; Ponick, B. (2022): Time Efficient Calculation of Current Harmonics in Inverter-Fed Permanent Magnet Excited Synchronous Machines, ICEM 2022, Valencia, Spain, 05.-08.09.2022
  • Suchan, A.; Ponick, B. (2022): Time Efficient Calculation of Current Harmonics in Inverter-Fed Electrically Excited Synchronous Machines, ICEMS 2022, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 29.11.-02.12.2022
  • Denkena, B.; Bergmann, B.; Böhse, F.; Königsberg, J.; Ponick, B. (2021): Auf dem Weg zur autonomen Werkzeugmaschine - mechatronische Dämpfungssysteme als Befähiger, antriebstechnik Ausgabe 01-02 Februar 2021, pp. 38-43
  • Denkena, B.; Teige, C.; Königsberg, J.; Ponick, B. (2021): Hybride Spindel: Prozessabhängige Einstellung der Spindeldynamik zur Produktivitätssteigerung in der spanenden Bearbeitung, AiF / FGW,
  • Ehlert, M.; Kalla, M. ; Michael, J.; Henke,C.; Traechtler, A.; Bagaber, B.; Ponick,B.; Dornaus, M. ; Demeisi, M. (2021): Tool-Independent Simulation of Electric Drive Systems with the E-Workbench, E-MOTIVE Expert Forum (virtuell) 21.-23.09.2021
  • Ehlert, M.; Michael, J.; Henke,C.; Traechtler, A.; Kalla, M.; Bagaber, B.; Ponick, B.; Mertens, A. (2021): Connecting Energy Storages from Tool Independent, Signal-flow Oriented FMUs, SMACD / PRIME 2021 | 19.-22.07.2021, Online Event
  • England, M.; Dotz, B.; Ponick, B. (2021): Evaluation of Winding Symmetry and Circulating Currents of Hairpin Windings, IEMDC 2021, (Virtual) Connecticut, USA, 17.-20.05.2021
  • England, M.; Ponick, B. (2021): Einfluss der Rotorgeometrie auf Schwingungs- und Geräuschemissionen elektrischer Fahrzeugantriebe, e & i Elektrotechnik & Informationstechnik, Band 138, Ausgabe 4
  • Fricke, T.; Schwarz, B.; Ponick, B. (2021): A Fast Calculation Approach for Pressure Finger Losses in Large Salient-Pole Synchronous Machines, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, DOI 10.1109/TMAG.2021.3087267
  • Gerlach, M.; Zajonc, B.; Ponick, B. (2021): Mechanical Stress and Deformation in the Rotors of a High-Speed PMSM and IM, e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, 10.1007/s00502-021-00866-5, Band 138, Ausgabe 2, pp. 96-109
  • Gerlach, M.; Zajonc, B.; Ponick, B. (2021): Methodology to Evaluate the Mechanical Stress in High Speed Electric Machines with Buried Magnets, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Band 57, Ausgabe 4 (4.5.2021), pp. 3643-3653
  • Heide, D.; Knebusch, B.; Ebrahimi, A.; Ponick, B. (2021): Measurement of Parasitic High-Frequency Currents in Inverter-Fed Low Speed Electrical Machines Using Rogowski Current Sensor, EPE’21 ECCE Europe (virtual) 06.-10.09.2021
  • Hoffmann, A.; Knebusch, B.; Stockbrügger, J.O.; Dittmann, J.; Ponick, B. (2021): High-Frequency Analysis of Electrical Machines Using Probability Density Functions for an Automated Conductor Placement of Random-Wound Windings, IEMDC 2021, Connecticut, USA, 17.-20.05.2021
  • Kifel, D.; Urbanek, S.; Ponick, B. (2021): Design Study on Additive Manufacturing Technologies in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines for Electric Aircraft, WEMDCD 2021 (virtuell), Modena, Italy, 08.-09.04.2021, pp. 325-330
  • Movagharnejad, H.; Knebusch, B.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B. (2021): Traction Drives with SiC Inverters: Optimized Modelling and Design / Electrical Machines and Filter Configurations, E-MOTIVE Expert Forum (virtual) 21.-23.09.2021
  • Steffen, J.; Lengsfeld, S.; Jung, M.; Ponick, B.; Herranz Garcia, M.; Spagnolo, A.; Klöpzig, M.; Schleicher, K.; Schäfer, K. (2021): Design of a Medium Voltage Generator with DC-Cascade for High Power Wind Energy Conversion Systems, Energies 2021, 14(11), 3106; - 26 May 2021
  • Stockbrügger, J.O.; Hoffmann, A.; Knebusch, B.; Dittmann, J.; Ponick, B. (2021): Analytische Ermittlung der Leiter-Leiter-Kapazität von Zweischichtwicklungen unter Berücksichtigung des Zwischenschiebers zur Vorausberechnung der Potenzialverteilung in der Ständerwicklung umrichtergespeister elektrischer Maschinen, e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Band 138, Ausgabe 2, pp. 117-124
  • Urbanek, S.; Frey, P.; Magerkohl, S.; Zimmer, D.; Tasche, L.; Schaper, M.; Ponick, B. (2021): Design and Experimental Investigation of an Additively Manufactured PMSM Rotor, IEMDC 2021, (Virtual) Connecticut, USA, 17.-20.05.2021
  • Zhu, X.; Wohlers, C.; Ponick, B. (2021): Improved Analytical Calculation for 2D Current Displacement in Rectangular Conductors, ICECCME 2021, Mauritius (virtuell), 07.-08.10.2021, pp. 1-8
  • Berweiler, B.; Ponick, B. (2020): Current and Average Temperature Calculation for Electrically Excited Synchronous Machines in Case of Contactless Energy Supply, ICEM 2020 (virtuell) 23.-26.08.2020, Göteborg
  • Denkena, B.; Bergmann, B.; Böhse, M.-F.; Königsberg, J.; Ponick, B. (2020): Leistungspotenzial ausgeschöpft - Neues aktives Dämpfungskonzept für Motorspindeln, mav Oktober 2020, pp. 58-61
  • Fricke, T.; Schwarz, B.; Ponick, B. (2020): A Magnetic Equivalent Circuit to Account for Gaps Between Clamping Plate Segments in Large Synchronous Machines, ICEM 2020 (virtuell) 23.-26.08.2020, Göteborg
  • Fricke, T.; Schwarz, B.; Ponick, B. (2020): Single Equation Clamping Plate Loss Model for Large Synchronous Machines, ICEM 2020 (virtuell) 23.-26.08.2020, Göteborg
  • Gerlach, M.E.; Ponick, B. (2020): Influence of the Stator Winding and Forming of the End Winding on the Vibration Behavior of Electric Machine’s Stator Core, ICEM 2020 (virtuell) 23.-26.08.2020, Göteborg, pp.1171-1177
  • Gerlach, M.E.; Zajonc, M.; Ponick, B. (2020): Methodology to Evaluate the Mechanical Stress in High Speed Electric Machines with Buried Magnets, SPEEDAM 2020 (virtuell) 24.06.2020, Sorrento, pp. 84-91
  • Haschen, E.; Ponick, B. (2020): Calculation of Slot Leakage Flux Using Equivalent Magnetic Circuits, ICEM 2020 (virtuell) 23.-26.08.2020, Göteborg
  • Hoffmann, A.; Ponick, B. (2020): Statistical Deviation of High-Frequency Lumped Model Parameters for Stator Windings in Three-Phase Electrical Machines, SPEEDAM 2020 (virtuell) 24.06.2020, Sorrento, pp. 92-97
  • Kanus, M.; Hoffmann, A.; Overmeyer, L.; Ponick, B. (2020): Linear Direct Drive for Light Conveyor Belts to Reduce Tensile Forces, International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems and Control (CPS&C'2019), pp. 398-406,, DOI 978-3-030-34983-7_38
  • Narjes, G.; Müller, J.K.; Kalla, M.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B. (2020): Optimization of Integrated Compressor Drives for Electrically Powered High-Lift Systems, Buchtitel: Fundamentals of High Lift for Future Civil Aircraft (Springer-Verlag), Contributions to the Final Symposium of the Collaborative Research Center 880, 17.-18.12.2019, Braunschweig
  • Schepe, C.; Haschen, E.; Ponick, B. (2020): Calculation of Circulating Currents in Parallel Branches of Salient Pole Synchronous Machines, ICEM 2020 (virtuell) 23.-26.08.2020, Göteborg
  • Schweigert, D.; Gerlach, M. E.; Hoffmann, A; Morhard, B.; Tripps, A.; Lohner, T.; Otto, M.; Ponick, B.; Stahl K. (2020): On the Impact of Maximum Speed on the Power Density of Electromechanical Powertrains, MDPI Vehicles, vol. 2(2), pp. 365-397
  • Stockbrügger, J.O.; Ponick, B. (2020): Analytische Ermittlung des Stirnraumanteils der Wicklung-Stator-Kapazität in elektrischen Maschinen zur Vorausberechnung des hochfrequenten Common-Mode-Stroms, e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Band 137 Ausgabe 4, pp. 203-211, DOI: 10.1007/s00502-020-00803-y
  • Stockbrügger, J.O.; Ponick, B. (2020): Analytische Ermittlung des Nutschlitzanteils der Stator-Rotor-Kapazität zur Vorausberechnung und Reduzierung von Lagerspannungen in elektrischen Maschinen, e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Band 137 Ausgabe 4, pp. 212-217, DOI: 10.1007/s00502-020-00809-6
  • Stockbrügger, J.O.; Ponick, B. (2020): Analytische Ermittlung der Wicklung-Stator-Kapazität in elektrischen Maschinen zur Vorausberechnung des hochfrequenten Common-Mode-Stroms, e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Band 137 Ausgabe 4, pp. 196-202, DOI: 10.1007/s00502-020-00799-5
  • Stockbrügger, J.O.; Ponick, B. (2020): Analytische Ermittlung des Nutschlitzanteils der Wicklung-Rotor-Kapazität zur Vorausberechnung von Lagerspannungen in elektrischen Maschinen, e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Band 137 Ausgabe 4, pp. 188-195, DOI: 10.1007/s00502-020-00798-6
  • Stockbrügger, J.O.; Ponick, B. (2020): Analytical Determination of the End-Winding Portion of the Winding-to-Rotor Capacitance for the Prediction of Bearing Voltage in Electrical Machines, Electrical Engineering (Archiv für Elektrotechnik), 102(4), pp.2481-2491, DOI: 10.1007/s00202-020-01046-y
  • Stockbrügger, J.O.; Ponick, B. (2020): Analytical Determination of the Turn-to-Turn Capacitances for the Prediction of Voltage Peaks in a PWM-Fed Motor Winding, Electrical Engineering (Archiv für Elektrotechnik), 102(4), pp. 2381-2388, DOI: 10.1007/s00202-020-01036-0
  • Stockbrügger, J.O.; Ponick, B. (2020): Analytical Determination of the Slot and the End-Winding Portion of the Winding-to-Rotor Capacitance for the Prediction of Shaft Voltage in Electrical Machines, Energies 2021 (MDPI), Band 14 Ausgabe 174, DOI: 10.3390/en14010174
  • Suchan, A.; Ponick, B. (2020): Brush Dynamics in Electrically Excited Synchronous Machines and their Influence on the Field Winding, IECON 2020 (virtuell) 18.-21.10.2020, Singapur
  • Urbanek, S.; Keuter, R.; Peter, E.; Ponick, B. (2020): Effects of Continuous Rotor Skewing in Additively Manufactured Permanent Magnet Rotors, SPEEDAM 2020 (virtuell), 24.06.2020, Sorrento
  • Vip, S.-A.; Andresen, J.; Dräger, F.; Ponick, B. (2020): NVH-Simulation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Traction Drives Including Torsional Mode Shapes, ICEM 2020 (virtuell) 23.-26.08.2020, Göteborg
  • Wohlers, C.; Ponick, B. (2020): First Estimations of Stator Dimensions for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Tooth-Coil Windings and Direct Liquid Cooling, ICEM 2020 (virtuell) 23.-26.08.2020, Göteborg
  • Wohlers, C.; Ponick, B. (2020): A Novel Method for the Fast Calculation of the Characteristics of PM Synchronous Machines, IECON 2020 (virtuell) 18.-21.10.2020, Singapur, pp. 832-837
  • Zhang, D.; Ebrahimi, A.; Wohlers, C.; Redlich, J. ; Ponick, B (2020): On the Analytical Calculation of Eddy-Current Losses in Permanent Magnets of Electrical Machines, IECON 2020 (virtuell) 18.-21.10.2020, Singapur
  • Andresen, J.; Ponick, B.; Mertens, A. (2019): Direct Radial and Circumferential Analytical Air-Gap Field Calculation for Electrical Machines, ACEMP-OPTIM 2019 27.-29.8.19, Istanbul
  • De Gennaro, M.; Jürgens, J.; Zanon, A.; Gragger, J.; Schlemmer, E.; Fricassè, A.; Marengo, L.; Ponick, B.; Trancho, E.; Kinder, J.; Cavallini, A.; Mancinelli, P.; Hernandez, M.; Messagie, M. (2019): Designing, Prototyping and Testing of a Ferrite Permanent Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machine for Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Applications, Systainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Vol. 31 (2019), pp. 86 - 101
  • Denkena, B.; Bergmann, B.; Teige, C.; Ponick, B.; Königsberg, J. (2019): Hybride Spindel für vielfältigen Einsatz - Vorspannungsregelung von Spindeln mit Hilfe von Formgedächtnislegierungen, mav Dezember 2019, pp. 70-73
  • England, M.; Ponick, B. (2019): Automatisierter Entwurf von Haarnadelwicklungen anhand von tabellarischen Belegungsplänen, e & i - Elektrotechnik & Informationstechnik, Vol. 136 Issue 2 - April 2019, pp. 159 - 167
  • Fricke, T.; Schwarz, B.; Ponick, B. (2019): Schwarz-Christoffel-Based Open-Circuit Clamping Plate Field Calculation in Hydro Generators, IEEE IEMDC 12.-15. 05.2019 San Diego
  • Fricke, T.; Schwarz, B.; Ponick, B. (2019): A Novel Surface Impedance Based Clamping Plate Loss Model for Large Synchronous Generators, ACEMP-OPTIM 2019, 27.8-29.8.19, Istanbul
  • Hoffmann, A.; Gerlach, M.; Lindemann, G.; Reitmeier, D.; Wiesemann J.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B.; (2019): Hyper High-Speed for the Electrified Automotive Powertrain for Maximum Range, E-MOTIVE Expert Forum Schweinfurt 4.-5.09.2019
  • Hoffmann, A.; Kanus, M.; Overmeyer, L.; Ponick, B. (2019): Design of an Integrated Linear Flux Modulating Motor for a Direct-Drive Belt Conveyor, IKMT2019, 10.-11.09.2019, Würzburg,
  • Hoffmann, A.; Kanus, M.; Overmeyer, L.; Ponick, B. (2019): Operation Analysis of an Integrated Linear Flux Modulating Motor for a Direct-driven Belt Conveyor, EEMODS 2019, Tokyo Japan, 17.-19.09.2019,
  • Hoffmann, A.; Kanus, M.; Overmeyer, L.; Ponick, B.; Wittenstein SE (2019): Linearer Antrieb für ein Förderband, 20 2019 104 718.6
  • Hullmann, M; Urbanek, S.; Ponick, B. (2019): Surface Eddy Current Suppression on Additively Manufactured Solid Rotor Active Parts, EEMODS 2019, Tokyo Japan, 17.-19.09.2019
  • Kalla, M.; Korolova, O.; Neufeld, A.; Hofmann, L.; Ponick, B. (2019): Calculating Frequency Responses of Synchronous Machines Using MIMO Transfer Functions, ACEMP-OPTIM 2019 27.8-29.8.19, Istanbul
  • Kanus, M.; Hoffmann, A.; Overmeyer, L.; Ponick, B. (2019): Linear Direct Drive for Light Conveyor Belts to Reduce Tensile Forces, AST 2019, St. Petersburg, Russia, 10.-12.06.2019
  • Kanus, M.; Hoffmann, A.; Overmeyer, L.; Ponick, B. (2019): Lineardirektantrieb für biegeschlaffe Transportbänder zur Reduzierung der Gurtzugkraft, 15. Fachkolloquium der WGTL in Rostock 11.+12.09.2019
  • Mirzadeh, M., Narjes, G., Ponick, B. (2019): Evaluation of High-Tech Electrical Steel in a High-Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine for an Aircraft Application, EEMODS 2019, Tokyo Japan, 17.-19.09.2019
  • Raziee, S. M.; Misir, O.; Ponick, B. (2019): Multiple Multiphase Combined Star-Polygon Winding Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 66, no. 10, pp. 7468-7479
  • Rehfeldt, A.; Fricke, T.; Emmrich, D.; Ponick, B. (2019): Semi-Analytical Calculation of Field Distribution in Yoke/Tooth Transition in Electrical Machines, IEEE IEMDC 12.-15.05.2019, San Diego
  • Rehfeldt, A.; Fricke, T.; Schwarz, B.; Ebrahimi, A.; Ponick, B. (2019): Semi-Analytical Calculation of Field and Loss Distribution in the Tooth Tips of Electrical Machines, EEMODS 2019, Tokyo Japan, 17.-19.09.2019
  • Urbanek, S.; Heide, D.; Bagaber, B.; Lohss, M.; Specht, B.; Paulig, X.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B. (2019): Analysis of External Rotor Electric Drives for an All-Automatic Airborne Wind Energy System, IEEE IEMDC 2019, San Diego
  • Berweiler, B.; Frey, P.; Ponick, B. (2018): Calculation of Continuous Power Curves for Electrically Excited Synchronous Machines with Air Cooling, IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2018) Alexandropolis, Greece, 03.-06.09.2018
  • Denkena, B.; Bergmann, B.; Mücke, M.; Königsberg, J.; Ponick, B. (2018): Hybrid Spindle – An approach for a milling machine tool spindle with extended working range for HSC and HPC4th International Conference on System-Integrated Intelligence, Garbsen, Germany, 19 - 20.06.2018
  • Fricke, T.; Rehfeldt, A.; Schwarz, B.; Bresemann, E.; Ponick, B. (2018): Analytical and Numerical Calculation of Sub-Conductor Circulationg Currents in Roebel Bars of Hydro Generators, IEEE ICEM 2018, Alexandroupoli Griechenland, 3-6. September 2018
  • Henke, M.; Narjes, G.; Hoffmann, J.; Wohlers, C.; Urbanek, S.; Heister, C.; Steinbrink, J.; Canders, W.-R.; Ponick, B. (2018): Challenges and Opportunities of Very Light High-Performance Electric Drives for Aviation MDPI Energies
  • Juergens, J.; Redlich, J.; Ponick, B. (2018): Comparison of Direct and Axle Drives with Electrically Excited Synchronous Machines for Traction Applications, IEEE Transportation and Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC 2018), Long Beach, USA, 13.-15.06.2018
  • Königsberg, J.; Ponick, B. (2018): Operating Characteristics of Actively Damped Motor Spindles, Symposium on Automated Systems and Technologies, (AST) Hannover, 27.-28.09.2018
  • Königsberg, J.; Reiners, J.; Böhse, F.; Bergmann, B.; Denkena, B.; Ponick, B. (2018): Stator-Integrated Damping of Chatter Vibrations for Induction Motor Spindles, 2018 International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS 2018) Jeju, Korea, 07.-10.10.2018
  • Königsberg, J.; Reiners, J.; Ponick, B. ; Denkena, B.; Bergmann, B. (2018): Highly Dynamic Spindle Integrated Magnet Actuators for Chatter Reduction, International Journal of Automation Technology, Vol. 12, No. 5, pp. 669-677
  • Misir, O.; Raziee, S. M.; Spyridonidis, I.; Brand, J.; Bothmann, F.; Dreyer, M.; Ponick, B. (2018): Performance Analysis of Synchronous Machines after Disconnecting Stator Coils, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 54, No. 5, pp. 4315-4323, Sept.-Oct. 2018
  • Mueller, J.-K.; Bensmann, A.; Bensmann, B.; Fischer, T.; Kadyk, T.; Narjes, G.; Kauth, F.; Ponick, B.; Seume, J. R.; Krewer, U.; Hanke-Rauschenbach, R.; Mertens, A. (2018): Design Considerations for the Electrical Power Supply of Future Civil Aircraft with Active High-Lift Systems MDPI Energies
  • Narjes, G.; Kauth, F.; Müller, J.; Mertens, A.; Seume, J. R.; Ponick, B. (2018): High-Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine for Short-Term Operation in an Electrically Powered High-Lift System, AIAA / IEEE Electronic Aircraft Technology Symposium (EATS 2018), Cincinatti, USA, 12.-13.07.2018
  • Narjes, G.; Ponick, B. (2018): Novel Method for the Determination of Eddy Current Losses in the Permanent Magnets of a High-Speed Synchronous Machine, IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2018) Alexandropolis, Greece, 03.-06.09.2018
  • Raziee, S. M.; Misir, O.; Ponick, B. (2018): Combined Star-Delta Winding Analysis IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 383- 394, March 2018
  • Rehfeldt, A.; Fricke, T.; Schwarz, B.; Bresemann, E.; Ponick, B. (2018): Measurement of Sub-Conductor Circulating Currents in Roebel Bars of a Hydro Generator, IEEE ICEM 2018, Alexandroupoli Griechenland, 3-6. September 2018
  • Urbanek, S.; Ponick, B. (2018): Surface Eddy Current Loss Reduction in Additively Manufactured Permanent Magnet Rotor Active Parts, IEEE International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2018) Alexandropolis, Greece, 03.-06.09.2018
  • Urbanek, S.; Ponick, B.; Taube, A.; Hoyer, K.-P.; Schaper, M.; Lammers, S.; Lieneke, T.; Zimmer, D. (2018): Additive Manufacturing of a Soft Magnetic Rotor Active Part and Shaft for a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine, IEEE Transportation and Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC 2018), Long Beach, USA, 13.-15.06.2018
  • Wohlers, C.; Juris, P., Kabelac, S.; Ponick, B. (2018): Design and Direct Liquid Cooling of Tooth-Coil Windings, Electrical Engineering, Volume 100, Issue 4, pp. 2299–2308
  • Kanus, M.; Radosavac M.; Hoffmann, A.; Overmeyer, L.; Ponick, B. (2017): Transferprojekt zum Thema Lineardirektantrieb für konventionelle Fördergurte, f + h fördern und heben, Ausgabe 10/2017, S. 56 - 59,
  • Korolova, O.; de la Torre, J.; Ponick B. (2017): Transient modeling of AC machines considering second order effectsXIX International Symposium on Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Ilmenau, Germany, 16.-19.07.2017
  • Korolova, O.; Popp, M.; Mathis, W.; Ponick B. (2017): Performance of Runge-Kutta family numerical solvers for calculation of transient processes in AC machines20th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS)
  • Meinzer, C.; Keller, C.; Korolova, O.; Ponick, B.; Seume, J. (2017): Influence of Aerodynamic Damping on Torsional Vibrations of Turbine Shafts, Proceedings of the Global Power & Propulsion Society Zurich Forum, 16.-18.01.2017
  • Mertens. A.; Ponick, B. (2017): Elektroantriebe für Fahrzeuge - Aktuelle Forschung und Trends. E-MOTIVE Expertenforum Hannover 2017
  • Misir, O.; Brand, J.; Ponick, B. (2017): Performance Analysis of Synchronous Machines after Disconnecting Stator Coils - Part II: Analytical Steady-State Solution Method, IEEE International Electrical Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), Miami, 21.-24.05.2017
  • Misir, O.; Ponick, B. (2017): Determination of the inductances of synchronous machines with unsymmetrical stator winding based on the voltage equation of a single coil in the stator winding, Electrical Engineering, Archiv für Elektrotechnik, Vol. 99, Issue 2, pp. 615-624
  • Misir, O.; Raziee, S. M.; Hammouche, N.; Klaus, C.; Kluge, R.; Ponick, B. (2017): Prediction of Losses and Efficiency for Three-Phase Induction Machines Equipped with Combined Star-Delta Windings, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 53, No. 4, pp. 3579 - 3587, July-Aug.
  • Misir, O.; Spyridonidis, I.; Bothmann, F.; Dreyer, M.; Ponick, B. (2017): Performance Analysis of Synchronous Machines after Disconnecting Stator Coils - Part I: Numerical Integration, IEEE International Electrical Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), Miami, 21.-24.05.2017
  • Narjes, G.; Müller, J.; Kauth, F.; Seume, J.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B. (2017): Kompakte elektrisch angetriebene Turbokompressoren für ein aktives Hochauftriebssystem künftiger Verkehrsflugzeuge, E-MOTIVE Expertenforum Hannover, 2017
  • Popp, M.; Mathis, W.; John, M.; Korolova, O.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B; (2017): A Modified CCM Approach for Simulating Hierarchical Interconnected Dynamical SystemsProc. International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, ISCAS , Baltimore, US, pp. 1262–1265
  • Popp, M.; Mathis, W.; Korolova O.; Ponick B. (2017): Modeling and simulation of electrical machines within a CCM frameworkIEEE International Electric Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC)
  • Raziee, S. M.; Misir, O; Ponick, B. (2017): Winding Function Approach for Winding Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 53, No. 10, October
  • Redlich, J.; Juergens, J.; Brune, K.; Ponick, B. (2017): Synchronous Machines with Very High Torque Density for Automotive Traction Applications, IEEE International Electrical Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), Miami, 21.-24.05.2017
  • Urbanek, S.; Quattrone, F.; Ponick, B. (2017): Implementation and Validation of a New Analytic-Numeric Method for Dynamic Core Loss Calculation, IEEE International Electrical Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), Miami, 21.-24.05.2017
  • Brune, K.; Possen, M.; Brune, A.; Steinbrink, J.; Weber, J.-N.; Selke, C.; Ponick, B. (2016): EnergieübertragungseinrichtungDE102015007586A1
  • Denkana, B.; Ponick, B. (2016): Arbeitsspindel und Verfahren zum Betreiben einer ArbeitsspindelDE102006042539C5
  • Dörbaum, M.; England, M.; Ponick, B. (2016): Analysis of Eddy Currents Influencing an Electromagnetic Tilting Actuator, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Banff, Alberta, Canada, 12-15 July 2016
  • Dörbaum, M.; Winkel, T.; Tappe, S.; Kotlarski, T.; Ortmaier; T. Ponick, B. (2016): Torque Measurements on an Electromagnetic Tilting Actuator, actuator 2016, Bremen, Germany, 13.-15. June 2016
  • Dück, P., Ponick, B. (2016): A Novel Iron-Loss-Model for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines in Traction Applications., 4th International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship propulsion and Road Vehicles & International Transportation Conference (ESARS ITEC), Toulouse, Frankreich
  • Dück, P.; Lesniewski, P.; Ponick, B. (2016): Design and Analysis of Axial-Flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines as Traction Drives for Electric Vehicles, 23rd International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), Capri, Italy, 22.-24. June, pp. 376-381
  • Haschen, E.; Korolova, O.; Ponick, B. (2016): Verbesserte Vorausberechnung des Polstreuleitwerts von Schenkelpol-Synchronmaschinen , Symposium Elektromagnetismus, Technische Akademie Esslingen (TAE), Künzelsau, Germany
  • Juergens, J.; Fricassè, A.; Marengo, L.; Gragger, J.; De Gennaro, M.; Ponick,B. (2016): Innovative Design of an Air Cooled Ferrite Permanent Magnet Assisted Synchronous Reluctance Machine for Automotive Traction ApplicationInternational Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), Lausanne, Switzerland, 04.-07. September 2016
  • Kauth, F.; Narjes, G.; Müller, J.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B.; Seume, J. R. (2016): Highly Integrated Electrically Driven Active High-Lift Compressor Systems for Future Civil Aircraft, Greener Aviation 2016, Brüssel, Belgien, 11.-13. Oktober 2016
  • Lammers, S.; Adam, G.; Schmid, H. J.; Mrozek, R.; Oberacker, R.; Hoffmann, M. J.; Quattrone, F.; Ponick, B. (2016): Additive Manufacturing of a Lightweight Rotor for a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine, 6th International Electric Drives Production Conference (EDPC), Nuremberg, 2016
  • Misir, O.; Ponick, B. (2016): Determination of the inductances of synchronous machines with unsymmetrical stator winding based on the voltage equation of a single coil in the stator winding, Electrical Engineering – Archiv für Elektrotechnik, Volume 98, Issue 4
  • Misir, O.; Dobbert, F.; Ponick, B. (2016): Analytical Method for the Air Gap Permeance Calculation of Salient Pole Synchronous Machinese & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Volume 133, Issue 2, pp. 103-111
  • Misir, O.; Görsdorf, J.; Ponick, B. (2016): Determination of the Inductances of a Salient Pole Synchronous Machine Based on the Voltage Equation of a Single Damper Loop23rd International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), Capri, Italy, 22.-24. June, pp. 470-475
  • Misir, O.; Potoniec, A.; Ponick, B. (2016): Calculation of the Damper Winding Inductances of a Synchronous Machine, The 8th IET International Conference on Power Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD), Glasgow, Scotland
  • Misir, O.; Raziee, S. M.; Hammouche, N.; Klaus, C.; Kluge, R., Ponick, B. (2016): Calculation Method of Three-Phase Induction Machines equipped with Combined Star-Delta Windings, XXIIth International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2016), Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-7 September, pp. 168-174
  • Misir, O.; Raziee, S. M.; Ponick, B. (2016): Determination of the Inductances of Salient Pole Synchronous Machines Based on the Voltage Equation of a Single Coil in the Stator Winding, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Volume 52, No. 5, pp. 3792-3804
  • Müller-Deile, F.; Heseding, H.; Ponick, B.; Mertens, A. (2016): Bezahlbare elektrische Reichweite durch Modularität,Deutsches Ingenieurblatt 5-2016, pp. 54-60
  • Narjes, G.; Müller, J.; Kauth, F.; Seume, J.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B. (2016): Design Considerations for an Electrical Machine Propelling a Direct Driven Turbo Compressor for Use in Active High-Lift Systems, International Conference on Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway, Ship propulsion and Road vehicles & International Transportation Electrification Conference, Toulouse, Frankreich, 02.-04. November 2016
  • Quattrone, F.; Ponick, B. (2016): Evaluation of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine with a Rotor Coil for Improved Self-Sensing Performance at Low Speed, XXIIth International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM 2016), Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-7 September, 2016
  • Quattrone, F.; Ponick, B. (2016): Maschinendesign für geberlos geregelte PMSM, e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
  • Tappe, S.; Dörbaum, M.; Kotlarski, T.; Ponick, B.; Ortmaier, T. (2016): Kinematics and Dynamics Identification of a Hyper-Redundant, Electromagnetically Actuated Manipulator, IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Banff, Alberta, Canada, 12-15 July 2016
  • Vip , S.-A. ; Weber, J.-N., Rehfeldt, A. ; Ponick, B. (2016): Rotary Transformer with Ferrite Core for Brushless Excitation of Synchronous Machines International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), Lausanne, Switzerland, 04.-07. September 2016
  • Weber, J.-N., Rehfeldt, A. ; Vip , S.-A. ; Ponick, B. (2016): Rotary Transformer with Electrical Steel Core for Brushless Excitation of Synchronous Machines International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), Lausanne, Switzerland, 04.-07. September 2016
  • Dörbaum, M.; Tappe, S.; Kotlarski, J.; Ortmaier, T. ; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B. (2015): Simulation and Measurement on a Novel Electromagnetic Tilting ActuatorVDI Mechatroniktagung 2015, Dortmund, Germany, 12.-13. März 2015
  • Dörbaum, M.; Weber, S.; Strempel, J.; Winkel, T.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B. (2015): Comparison of two alternative power supply strategies for an electromagnetic tilting actuatorInnovative Small Drives and Micro-Motor Systems (IKMT), 10. ETG/GMM-Fachtagung, Koeln, Germany, 14.-15. September 2015, pp. 71-76
  • Dück, P.; Jürgens, J.; Ponick, B. (2015): Calculation of Synchronous Reluctance Machines Used as Traction DrivesIEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2015), Montreal, Kanada, 19.-22. Oktober 2015, pp. 1-5
  • Jürgens, J.; Winter, O.; Fricassè, A.; Ponick, B. (2015): Influences of Iron Loss Coefficients Estimation on the Prediction of Iron Losses for Variable Speed MotorsIEEE International Electrical Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), Coeur d’Alène (ID), USA, 10.-13. Mai 2015
  • Jürgens, J; Ponick, B. (2015): Eignung von synchronen Reluktanzmaschinen und permanenterregten Synchronmaschinen ohne Seltenerdmagnete als Fahrzeugantriebe17th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'15 ECCE EUROPE), Geneva, Switzerland, 8.-10. September 2015
  • Kaczorowski, D.; Michalak, B.; Mertens, A.  (2015): A Novel Thermal Management Algorithm for Improved Lifetime and Overload Capabilities of Traction Converters17th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'15 ECCE EUROPE), Geneva, Switzerland, 8.-10. September 2015, pp. 1-10
  • Misir, O.; Dobbert, F.; Ponick, B. (2015): Analytisch-numerische Berechnung des magnetischen Luftspaltleitwerts für den Läufer einer Schenkelpolsynchronmaschinee & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik, Volume 132, Issue 1, pp. 33-38
  • Misir, O.; Ponick, B. (2015): Determination of the Inductances of a Salient-Pole Synchronous Machine without Damper Winding Based on the Voltage Equation of a Single Coil in the Stator Winding, 10th IEEE International Symposium on Diagnostics for Electric Machines, Power Electronics and Drives (SDEMPED), Guarda, Portugalpp. 117-123
  • Misir, O.; Ponick, B. (2015): Determination of the Inductances of a Synchronous Machine with Unsymmetrical Stator Winding Based on the Voltage Equation of a Single Coil in the Stator Winding, 18th International Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (EDPE), Tatranska Lomnica, SlovakiaInternational Conference on Electrical Drives and Power Electronics (EDPE), Tatranska Lomnica, Slovakia, pp. 306-311
  • Mustafa, R.; Küçükay, F.; Boseniuk, F.; Ponick, B.; Tang, T.; Köhler, J.; Ullrich, B.; Mertens, A. (2015): Innovative Electric Vehicle Modelling for Energy Management ApplicationsInternational Journal of Vehicle Design, vol. 68, no. 4, pp. 265-284
  • Quattrone, F.; Ponick, B.  (2015): Active Differential Inductance Control of Permanent MagnetIEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC 2015), Montreal, Kanada, 19.-22. Oktober 2015, pp. 1-7
  • Quattrone, Francesco; Ponick, Bernd; Fricke, Torben (2015): Influence of punch edges on the self-sensing capabilities of permanent magnet synchronous machines with different rotor topologiesElectric Drives Production Conference (EDPC), Nuremberg, Germany, 15.-16. September 2015, pp.1-4
  • S.H. Teichel, M. Dörbaum, O. Misir, A. Merkert, A. Mertens, J.R. Seume, B. Ponick (2015): Design considerations for the components of electrically powered active high-lift systems in civil aircraftCEAS Aeronautical Journal, Volume 6, Number 1, pp. 49-67
  • Stübig, C.; Seibel, A.; Schleicher, K.; Haberjan, L.; Kloepzig, M.; Ponick, B. (2015): Electromagnetic Design of a 10 MW Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator for Wind Turbine ApplicationIEEE International Electrical Machines and Drives Conference (IEMDC), Coeur d’Alène (ID), USA, 10.-13. Mai 2015
  • Tappe, S.; Dörbaum, M.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B.; Kotlarski, J.; Ortmaier, T. (2015): The Kinematic Synthesis of a Spatial, Hyper-Redundant System based on Binary Electromagnetic Actuators6th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications (ICARA 2015), Queenstown, New Zealand,17.-19. Februar 2015, pp. 211-216
  • Bostanci, E.; Neuschl, Z.; Plikat, R.; Ponick, B. (2014): No-Load Performance Analysis of Brushless DC Machines With Axially Displaceable RotorIndustrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 61, Issue 4, pp. 1692-1699
  • Brune, A. ; Gröninger, M. ; Horch, F. ; Juris, P. ; Kock, A. ; Pleteit, H.; Ponick, B. ; Schmidt, D. ; Wöstmann, F.-J. (2014): Spule und Verfahren zur Herstellung einer SpuleDE102013204047A1
  • F. Boseniuk and B. Ponick (2014): Parameterization of transient thermal models for permanent magnet synchronous machines exclusively based on measurementsPower Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), 2014 International Symposium on. IEEE, pp. 295-301
  • Groninger, M.; Horch, F.; Kock, A,; Jakob, M.; Ponick, B (2014): Cast Coils for Electrical Machines and their Application in Automotive and Industrial Drive Systems4th International Electric Drives Production Conference (EDPC 2014), Nürnberg, Germany, 30. September - 1. October, pp. 1-7
  • J. Jürgens, A. Brune, B. Ponick (2014): Electromagnetic design and analysis of a salient-pole synchronous machine with tooth-coil windings for use as a wheel hub motor in an electric vehicle XXIth International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), Berlin, Germany, 2.-5. September 2014, pp. 744-750
  • Jürgens, J.; Brune, A.; Ponick, B. (2014): Weg von teuren PermanentmagnetenZeitschrift für die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette Automobilwirtschaft (ZfAW), Heft 4/2014, pp. 49-55
  • K. Emmrich, A. Brune, B. Ponick (2014): Evaluation of an analytical, efficiency-optimized torque-speed characteristic of induction machines coupled with a thermal-electromagnetic energy consumption calculationXXIth International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), Berlin, pp. 762-767
  • Koupeny, J.; Bresemann, D.; Orsini, C.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B.; Seume, J. (2014): Universelles Werkzeug zur Steigerung der Energieeffizinz von technischen Prozessen am Beispiel eines Prozesskühlsystems mit elektrischer AntriebstechnikSIMPEP-Kongress Koblenz, 17.-19. September 2014
  • M. Wehner and B. Ponick (2014): Search coil systems for early fault detection in wind turbine generators2014 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives, Automation and Motion (SPEEDAM), Ischia, Italy, 18.-20. Juni 2014, pp. 273-278
  • Misir O.; Ponick B. (2014): Analysis of Three-Phase Induction Machines with Combined Star-Delta WindingsIEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE), Istanbul, Turkey, 1.-4. Juni 2014, pp. 756-761
  • O. Korolova, P. Dück, A. Brune, J. Jürgens, B. Ponick (2014): Prediction of Efficiency-optimized Salient-pole Synchronous Machines’ Operating Range Using a Coupled Numerical-Analytical MethodXXIth International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), Berlin, Germany, 2.-5. September 2014, pp. 871-876
  • Braunisch, D.; Ponick, B; Bramerdorfer, G. (2013): Combined Analytical-Numerical Noise Calculation of Electrical Machines Considering Nonsinusoidal Mode ShapesIEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 49 , Issue 4, pp. 1407 - 1415
  • Dörbaum, M.; Juris, P.; Stübig, C.; Ponick, B. (2013): Design of High-Speed Motors with a High Power Range for Use in Future AircraftsPCIM Europe 2013, Nuremberg, Germany, pp. 89-96
  • Dück, P.; Ponick, B. (2013): Einfluss unterschiedlicher Regelungsstrategien auf das Betriebsverhalten und den Wirkungsgrad von permanentmagneterregten SynchronmaschinenETG Kongress, Berlin, Deutschland
  • Emmrich, J.; Ponick, B.; Bickel, W.; Denkena, B. (2013): Analysis of an integrated electromagnetic actuator prototypeInnovative Klein- und Mikroantriebstechnik (GMM-FB 76), Nürnberg
  • Kampen, D.; Quattrone, F.; Ponick, B. (2013): Frequenzumrichterbedingte Lagerströme: was wirklich hilftAntriebstechnik 09/2013
  • Koupeny, J.; Bresemann, D.; Orsini, C.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B.; Seume, J. (2013): Steigerung der Energieeffizienz durch intelligente Nutzung elektrischer AntriebssystemeETG Kongress, Berlin
  • P. Juris, A. Brune, S. Tegeler, B. Ponick (2013): Einfluss der Magnetmaterialien auf die Energieeffizienz elektrischer Fahrzeugantriebe für verschiedene FahrzyklenETG Kongress, Berlin
  • Ponick, B.; Dück, P. (2013): Energieverbrauch von elektrischen Antrieben optimieren – Schnelle, vollständig automatisierbare Simulationsrechnungen, ti Technologie Informationen, 01/2013, p. 10
  • Tegeler, S.; Ponick, B. (2013): Einfluss der Schrägung auf die Ummagnetisierungsverluste bei DrehfeldmaschinenETG Kongress
  • Teichel, S.; Dörbaum M.; Ponick, B.; Seume, J. (2013): Compact Dynamic Compressors for Active Flow Control in Autonomous High Lift Configurations, SFB 880 - Fundamentals of high-lift for future commercial aircraftBiennial Report - Forschungsbericht 2013-03, TU Braunschweig, pp. 122-134
  • Wöhrmann, M.; Dörbaum, M.; Ponick, B.; Mertens, A. (2013): Design of a Fully Actuated Electromagnetic Bending Actuator for Endoscopic Applications9. GMM/ETG-Fachtagung Innovative Small Drives and Micro-Motor Systems (IKMT), Nuremberg, pp. 152-157
  • A. Brune, P. Dück, A. Kock, M. Gröninger and B. Ponick (2012): Evaluation of an Efficiency-optimized Calculation of PM Synchronous Machines’ Operating Range Using Time-saving Numerical and Analytical CouplingVehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), Seoul, Südkorea
  • B. Denkena, W. Bickel, J. Emmrich, B. Ponick (2012): Entwurf eines innovativen Spindelmotors zur Erhöhung der Prozessstabilität von FrässpindelnZeitschrift für wirtschaftlichen Fabrikbetrieb, 07-08/2012, Seite 518-521, Carl Hanser Verlag
  • Froböse, T. ; Jastrzembski, J.-P. ; Overmeyer, L.; Ponick, B. (2012): Antrieb eines Förderers durch einen LinearmotorDE102011016039A1
  • Ganesan, V., Wiedmann, K., Janssen, G., Ponick, B., Mertens, A. (2012): Development of Drive Systems Based on Electromagnetic MicroactuatorsIndustrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on , vol.59, no.3, pp.1409-1417, March 2012
  • Jakub Emmrich, Wladimir Bickel, Berend Denkena, Bernd Ponick (2012): Design of an Integrated Electromagnetic Actuator for High Frequency Damping ForcesXXth International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), Marseille, Frankreich
  • Kriese, M.; Wittek, E.; Gattermann, S.; Tischmacher, H.; Poll, G.; Ponick, B. (2012): Influence of bearing currents on the bearing lifetime for converter driven machinesXXth International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), pp. 1735-1739
  • Mertens, A.; Ponick, B.; Tegeler, S.; Wiedmann, K. (2012): Biegeaktor und Endoskop mit einem BiegeaktorDE102010012417B4
  • P. Juris, A. Brune and B. Ponick (2012): A Coupled Thermal-Electromagnetic Energy Consumption Calculation for an Electric Vehicle with Wheel Hub Drive Considering Different Driving CyclesVehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC)
  • Ponick, B.; Rauch, H.; Utecht, M. (2012): Großer Synchronmotor mit veränderbarer DrehzahlDE000019731313B4
  • Stübig, C.; Ponick, B. (2012): Comparison of Calculation Methods for Hybrid Stepping MotorsIndustry Applications, IEEE Transactions on , vol.48, no.6, pp.2182,2189
  • Stuebig, C.; Ponick, B. (2012): Practical Experiment for Students: Winding an Induction Machine20th International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), Marseille, Frankreich
  • Wiedmann, K; Mertens, A (2012): Self-Sensing Control of PM Synchronous Machines for the Entire Speed Range with Reduced Computational Effort based on a Novel MRAS ApproachPower Electronics, Machines and Drives (PEMD 2012), 6th IET International Conference on
  • Wittek, E.; Kriese, M.; Tischmacher, H.; Gattermann, S.; Ponick, B.; Poll, G. (2012): Capacitance of bearings for electric motors at variable mechanical loadsXXth International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), pp. 1602-1607
  • A. Kampker, T. Vogels, C. Nowacki, Rainer Schmidt, M. Harding, Dirk Uwe Sauer, Madeleine Ecker, B. Ponick, A. Brune, Axel Mertens, B. Ullrich (2011): E-Antrieb.Net: Development- and production environment for electric drive trains in a SME focused network (Megatrend: electro mobility)1. WGPJahreskongress, Berlin
  • Al Nahlaoui, Braunisch, Eichinger, Kulig, Ponick (2011): Calculation Methods for Electromagnetically Exited Noise in Induction MotorsEDPC2011
  • B. Denkena, W. Bickel, B. Ponick und J. Emmrich (2011): Dynamic analysis of a motor-integrated method for a higher milling stabilityProductionn Engineering, Volume 5, Number 6, pp. 691-699
  • Brune, E.; Stübig, C.; Tegeler, S.; Wehner, M.; Ponick, B. (2011): Kopplung numerischer und analytischer Verfahren zur Berechnung von permanenterregten Synchronmaschinen mit AnlaufkäfigETG Würzburg
  • Büttgenbach, S.; Burisch, A.; Hesselbach, J. (Eds.) (2011): Design and Manufacturing of Active Microsystems Series: Microtechnology and MEMSDesign and Manufacturing of Active Microsystems Series: Microtechnology and MEMS, 1st Edition
  • Froböse, T.; Jastrzembski, J.-P.; Overmeyer, L.; Ponick, B. (2011): Antrieb eines Förderers durch einen LinearmotorDE 1020 110 16 039 A1
  • Gröninger, M., Horch, F., Kock, A., Pleteit, H., Ponick, B., Schmidt, D., Wöstmann, F.-J. (2011): Casting Production of Coils for electrical MachinesElectric Drives Production Conference Nürnberg
  • Janssen, G., Gehrking, R.,Edler, J., Ponick, B.,Stölting, H.D. (2011): Electromagnetic Design of Microactuators, Design and Manufacturing of Active MicrosystemsSpringer Verlag Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York, ISBN978-3-642-12902-5, Part 1, 11-28
  • Janssen, G., Ponick, B. (2011): Kleine Motoren, große Möglichkeiten, Nano- und QuantenengineeringUnimagazin 01/02, H12467,Zeitschrift der Leibniz Universität Hannover, S.32-34
  • Janssen, G., Wiedmann, K., M. v. Hofen, Mertens, A., Ponick, B. (2011): Entwicklung von Antriebssystemen basierend auf elektromagnetische MikromotorenKolloquium Mikroproduktion und Abschlusskolloquium SFB 499, 11.-12. Oktober 2011 in Karlsruhe
  • Jastrzembski, Ponick (2011): Design of a Conveyor Directly Driven by a Hybrid Linear Motor following FEM and Reluctance Network ApproachLDIA 2011, Eindhoven (Holland)
  • Ponick, B. (2011): Elektrische Maschine und Verfahren zur Herstellung einer elektrischen MaschineDE102009038761A1
  • Ponick, B. (2011): Miniaturisation of electrical machinesCOMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol. 30 Iss: 4, pp.1139 - 1147
  • Radosavac, Froböse, Overmeyer, Jastrzembski, Ponick (2011): Lineardirektantrieb für TransportbänderWGTL Kolloqium 2011, Hannover
  • Brune A., Dempewolf K.-H., Ponick B. (2010): Modelling and FE Parameter Identification of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines in Consideration of Spatial HarmonicsXIX International Conference on Electrical Machines ICEM 2010, Rom
  • E. Wittek, M. Kriese, H. Tischmacher, S. Gattermann, B. Ponick, G. Poll (2010): Capacitances and lubricant film thicknesses of motor bearings under different operating conditions ICEM 2010 (Rom)
  • Janssen, G., Waldschik, A., Büttgenbach, S., Ponick, B. (2010): Entwurf und Simulation eines rotatorischen Mikroreluktanzschrittmotors, Innovative Klein- und Mikroantriebstechnik124, 8.ETG/GMM-Fachtagung am 23. September in Würzburg, VDE Verlag GmbH Berlin, ISBN 978-3-8007-3301-9, 2010, S.93-98
  • Jastrzembski, Ponick (2010): Different Methods for Reducing Detent Force in a Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous MotorIECON 2010, Phoenix, Arizona (USA)
  • Jastrzembski, Ponick (2010): Diffrent Methods for Reducing Detent Force in a Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous MotorIECON 2010, Phoenix, Arizona (USA)
  • Kriese, Wittek, Tischmacher, Gattermann (2010): Prediction of Motor Bearing Currents for Converter OperationICEM 2010, Rome (Italy)
  • Ponick, B. (2010): Energieeffizienz - Welche Technologien bringen wirklich etwas?eta [energie] | File |
  • R. Helmer, P. Dück, B. Ponick (2010): Determination of Transient Reactances of Salient Pole Synchronous Machines with Analytical and Numerical Methods. Speedam 2010, Pisa, Italy
  • S.Tegeler; F. Quattrone; B. Ponick (2010): Windgeneratoren effizient berechnen - Kopplung analytischer und numerischer Berechnungsverfahren für doppelt gespeiste Asynchrongeneratoren.Antriebstechnik 11/2010
  • Stübig, C. ; Ponick, B. (2010): Berechnung von Hybridschrittmotoren8. ETG/GMM-Fachtagung Innovative Klein- und Mikroantriebstechnik, Würzburg, 23. September 2010
  • Froböse, Jastrzembski, Overmeyer, Ponick (2009): Modellierung eines Lineardirektantriebes für TransportbänderWGTL-Kolloqium 2009, Illmenau
  • Hansen, S.; Janssen, G.; Ganesan, V.A.; Ponick, B.; Mertens, A.; Gatzen, H.H. (2009): Linearer skalierbarer Mikro-Reluktanzschrittmotor, 4. Kolloquium MikroproduktionBIAS Verlag Bremen
  • Helmer, R.; Garbe, E.; Steinbrink, J.; Ponick, B. (2009): Combined analytical-numerical calculation of electrical machines,Acta Technica, Institute of Thermomechanics AS CR, v. v. i. Dolejškova 5, 182 00 Praha 8, Czech republic
  • Jastrzembski, Froböse, Ponick, Overmeyer (2009): Direktantrieb eines Förderbandes durch einen permanentmagnet erregten Synchron-Linear-MotorETG-Kongress 2009, Düsseldorf
  • Jastrzembski, Ponick (2009): Design of a Novel Direct Driven Conveyor by a Linear Synchronous MotorIECON 2009, Porto, Portugal
  • Müller, G.; Ponick, B. (2009): Theorie elektrischer Maschinen 6. Aufl.,Wiley-VCH Weinheim
  • Ponick, B (2009): Miniaturisation of Electrical MachinesISTET'09, Lübeck, pp. 1-4
  • Ponick, B.; Jastrzembski, J.-P. (2009): Neuartiger Linear-Direktantrieb für Transportbänder,8. Technischer Tag der VEM-Gruppe, Wernigerode
  • Tegeler, S.; Helmer, R.; Ponick, B. (2009): Saturation Behaviour of Doubly-fed Induction Generators, European Wind Energy Conference & Exhibition 2009, Parc Chanot, Marseille, France 16 – 19 March 2009
  • Waldschik, A.; Feldmann, M.; Wiedmann, K.; Janssen, G.; Ponick, B.; Mertens, A.; Büttgenbach, S. (2009): Funktionelle Komponenten für einen linearen Reluktanzschrittmotor,Mikrosystemtechnik-Kongress 2009, Berlin, 2009
  • Demmig, S.; Gehrking, R.; Hahn, M.; Wiedmann, K.; Ponick, B.; Gatzen, H.-H.; Mertens, A. (2008): Technical progress in designing and controlling of active microsystems, Volume 14, Number 12, November 2008, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
  • Garbe, E.; Helmer, R.; Ponick, B. (2008): Modelling and fast calculating the characteristics of synchronous machines with the finite element method
  • Helmer, R.; Wang, D.; Ponick, B. (2008): Investigation of Part Winding Start Used in Cage Induction Motors
  • Janssen, G., Traisigkhachol, O., Gatzen, H.H., Ponick, M.: (2008): Design and Fabrication of a Rotary Micro Synchronous MotorProc. Actuator 2008, Bremen, Germany, pp. 457-460
  • Stuebig, C.; Ponick, B. (2008): Determination of Air Gap Permeances of Hybrid Stepping Motors for Calculation of Motor Behaviour 18th International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), Vilamoura, Portugal, 06.-09.09.2008
  • Demmig, S.; Gehrking R.; Wiedmann, K.; Ponick, B.; Mertens A. (2007): Positionsregelung eines elektromagnetischen Mikrolinearmotors
  • Demmig, S.; Gehrking, R.; Ponick, B.; Mertens, A.; Wiedmann, K. (2007): Positionsregelung eines elektromagnetischen MikrolinearaktorsGMM-Fachbericht 54: Innovative Klein- und Mikroantriebstechnik, VDE-Verlag, Berlin und Offenbach, pp. 117-122
  • Demmig, S.; Gehrking, R.; Wiedmann, K.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B. (2007): Design and Control of a Micro Linear Motor with Integrated Magnetic Guidance
  • Dempewolf, K.-H.; Getschmann, T.; Rüger, N.E.; Ganesan, V.A.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B. (2007): Transiente Simulation eines Antriebssystems zur Bestimmung der frequenzabhängigen Verluste in schnelllaufenden permanentmagneterregten Synchronmaschinen
  • Dempewolf, K.-H.; Ponick, B. (2007): Modelling of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines for Simulations of Transient Phenomena
  • Gehrking R.; Demmig S.; Feldmann M.; Waldschi A.; Büttgenbach S.; Ponick B. (2007): Charakterisierung eines elektromagnetischen Mikrolinearmotors mit integrierter magnetischer Führung
  • Gehrking, R.; Demmig, S.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B. (2007): Investigations on a Micro Linear Stepping Motor Supplied by a DC-DC Converter
  • Müller, G.; Ponick, B.; Vogt, K. (2007): Berechnung elektrischer Maschinen
  • Demmig, S.; Gehrking, R.; Feldmann, M.; Büttgenbach, S.; Ponick, B. (2006): Specific Design Rules for Micro Linear Motors
  • Gatzen, H.H.; Hahn, M.; Bedenbecker, M.; Ponick, B.; Gehrking, R.; Demmig, S. (2006): Advances in the Development of a Linear Hybrid Micro Actuator
  • Gehrking, R.; Demmig, S.; Ponick, B.; Feldmann, M.; Büttgenbach, S. (2006): A Micro Linear Motor with Integrated Passive Magnetic Guidance
  • Ruffert C.; Gehrking, R.; Ponick, B.; Gatzen, H.H. (2006): Magnetic Levitation Assisted Guide for a Linear Microactuator
  • Hahn, M.; Gehrking, R.; Ponick, B.; Gatzen, H.H. (2005): Design improvements for a linear hybrid step micro-actuator
  • Demmig, S.; Gehrking, R.; Mertens, A.; Ponick, B. (2005): Simulation of the magnetic and dynamical characteristics of micro linear motors
  • Gehrking, R.; Ruffert, C.; Demmig, S.; Gatzen, H.H.; Ponick, B. (2005): Entwicklung einer magnetischen Führung für Mikroaktoren
  • Hahn, M.; Gehrking, R.; Ponick, B.; Gatzen, H.H. (2005): Auslegung aktiver Mikrosysteme
  • Hahn, M.; Gehrking, R.; Ponick, B.; Gatzen, H.H. (2005): Design of active micro systems
  • Müller, G.; Ponick, B. (2005): Grundlagen elektrischer Maschinen
  • Gatzen, H.H; Stölting, H.-D.; Ponick, B. (2004): Alternatives for Micro-Machined Linear Actuators
  • Lange, J. ; Möhle, A. ; Ponick, B. ; Vogel, R. (2004): Elektrische Maschine bzw. SchiffsantriebssystemDE000010304276A1
  • de Wit, B.; Kleiner, F.; Ponick, B. (2001): Choosing Electric Turbocompressor Drivers
  • Ponick, B. (2001): Pendelmomentanregungen bei Asynchronmaschinen mit Schleifringläufer
  • Ponick, B. (2000): Einfluß der Nutschrägung auf die axiale Verteilung des Luftspaltfelds elektischer Maschinen
  • Ponick, B. ; Rauch, H. ; Utecht, M. (2000): Zweipolige elektrische Synchronmaschine mit liegendem Rotor und Verfahren zur Einstellung der Amplituden von Resonanzschwingungen doppelter Drehfrequenz an einer solchen SynchronmaschineDE000019832708C2
  • de Wit, B.; Kleiner, F.; Ponick, B. (1999): PCIC 1999 (General Session) und IEEE IAS 2000
  • Eckardt, R.; Ponick, B. (1999): Förderhilfe – Kompressoren mit magnetgelagerten Motoren unterstützen Erdgasförderung (deutsche Ausgabe) Smart Compression – Compressors with magnetic-bearing motors are used to pump natural gas (englische Ausgabe)
  • Ponick, B. (1998): Das Luftspaltmoment elektrischer Maschinen unter Berücksichtigung parametrischer Effekte
  • Ponick, B. (1997): Meßspulen zur Analyse des Luftspaltfelds elektrischer Maschinen
  • Ponick, B. (1995): Fehlerdiagnose bei Synchronmaschinen
  • Ponick, B. (1993): Über den Einfluß der Hauptfeldsättigung auf Ausgleichsvorgänge bei elektrischen Antrieben und eine einfache Methode zu ihrer Berücksichtigung